I think it might be fun to have a sci-fi/horror film about the Academy Awards ceremony, where a giant golden robot that looks just like a huge version of the Oscars award statuette tears the roof off the theater in the middle of the show and expresses outrage that they are giving away his "children" without his consent. Then he could proceed to use a strong magnet to forcibly confiscate all the awards statuettes and stomp on everyone, crushing them all. (Oh, the humanity!) Then the giant robot would take his revenge upon Hollywood by crushing studio sound stages, trashing the Hollywood sign, and bending and breaking famous transmission antennae like the one for KTLA.
And of course, this movie would be produced and directed by Seth MacFarland as a revenge fantasy for how he was savaged by critics for his Academy Awards hosting job recently. (You know, he might actually have enough money to finance building a real giant robot to do this in real life!)