Monday, March 4, 2013

Horror Fashion Face Off?

We all know about the vapid & cynical "fashion face off" articles where two celebrity women wear the same dress and we see pictures of them both in the same outfit, and the article headline asks: "Who wore it better?" (And then the article goes on to bash the one who wore it worse.) Well, how about a fashion "face off" where there were literally faces off? It would be easy if the author picked a human skin mask of a victim's face as the fashion item in question, and the "celebrities" the article was referencing were the killers in horror movies. So we could see pictures of both Leatherface from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and one of the killers from The Devil's Rejects, and they would both be wearing someone else's face as a mask, and we could get to decide "who wore it better". (And the loser would go on a killing spree. Oh, but then the other one would too, and we wouldn't be sure if the first one did it because he was mad he lost the fashion face off, or because he was just going to go on a killing spree anyway {because, you know, he's a serial killer and everything...}.)

Here's a blog post that describes the human skin masks I'm referring to from horror films: