Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Perp Walk Ban

Some local New York City politician has proposed a law that would ban the “perp walk” (that paparazzi-fest where the arrested-guy walks out in handcuffs and everybody gets to “boo” them and snap pictures) in NYC. This is in the wake of some snooty French douche-bags sniveling about how unfair the perp walk is after the DSK situation, but we know what’s really going on here, now don’t we?

The politician proposing this law has obviously committed some disgustingly corrupt crime that he knows he’s going to be caught for sooner or later, and he doesn’t want to have his perp-walk pictures spread all over the front pages of all the city papers! Yeah, he thinks this will distract our attention away from him and onto the “innocent until proven guilty” issue! Fat chance! We’re onto you now, Mr. Corrupt Politician!

Here’s the suspicious story:

And on this article’s webpage (unless they change it), there are all of these ads for unexpected pregnancy services (!). So that’s it! More funny-stuff! He’s probably had some secret love child whose mother he bribed with hush money or something! I knew it!

(Actually, I think they did change it, to expand the article. Here is the new webpage that you get directed to now, but I hope you can still see the page above, because of how all the ads make it look, in light of stuff like the Arnold Schwarzenegger scandal):