There is a new cereal, and it's a killer! No, seriously: it disguises itself as a piece of chocolate, and then when a real piece of chocolate comes by and falls for the ruse, it leaps upon it and chomps on it in a pseudo-cannibal attack (!). So how do we know it's not going to do that to our tongues when we try to eat it? Or maybe that's its evil plan?
But there's something else that's not right here. For you see, the cereal itself looks white-ish, but it wears a costume that makes itself look dark brown, to disguise itself as chocolate. So isn't this the cereal version of wearing (gasp!) blackface? So then won't all the other cereals have a panel discussion about this affront to cereal social values on CNN (the cereal news network)? And once they get through pillorying Krave for its cultural insensitivity, nobody will be willing to be seen eating it in public ever again! (But that's really just as well: it's a new cereal, so nobody even knows it yet. All it needs is to hire a good PR strategist, and all will be forgiven, after an apologetic publicity tour of all the morning shows. {At least, that's what seems to work for humans who do such stupid things.})
Here's the cereal abusing ad: