Friday, March 1, 2013

Proactiv for Dogs

Hey, we all know about Proactiv, the face cleanser that rids us of unwanted acne blemishes, right? Well, with so many of the Proactiv users owning little yippy lap dogs, you know it must be affecting them. And this is why they bark and bark all day long at nothing: they feel insecure because they think they have horrible acne underneath their fur. We can't see it, but dogs know it's there! And that's why there's new Proactiv for dogs! Your lap dog will watch you scrub your face clean and want the same for itself, and it will bite everyone and bark endlessly all day if you don't give it what it wants!

So buy Proactiv for dogs: Not to buy it is animal abuse of the worst kind: psychological animal abuse! (Not even cats will respect a dog who doesn't use Proactiv for dogs!)