Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Charlie’s List

Now that Charlie Sheen will not be returning to his former show 2 ½ Men, he’s going to have to start thinking of new ways to generate income to pay for all his drugs, hookers, alimony and child support. I think I have an idea that could be a big hit for him, as well as a great revenue producer. What is it? It’s Charlie’s List! It would be a lot like Angie’s List, except that instead of rating legitimate businesses, it would allow users to rate the quality and performance of not-so-legitimate businesses and businesspeople like drug dealers, hookers, black marketeers, etc. And just to get things started, he could fill out the page with rating all of the hookers, drug dealers, black marketeers, etc. that he’s known. With all the turpitude he’s been associated with, he’s bound to have sufficient experience with enough of these miscreants to be able to fill out a whole underground economy’s-worth of ratings!