Friday, May 20, 2011

How Will Humans Leave Earth After Doomsday?

This post is based upon an article I read online today that is extremely silly. Look, why do people feel the need to speculate on stuff like this when we already know the answer? It just makes them look like jerks when they lie about this stuff.

How are we going to get off of Earth after Doomsday? Ah-duh-y. We build a rocket-ship like in the movie When Worlds Collide, obviously! And that’s just the people who don’t get sent off by their parents in crystal spaceships to become Supermans on other planets. And that’s if we even need to do it in the first place! Look, everybody knows that exposure to nuclear explosions and fallout and stuff makes people into superheroes,* so if the world ends in a nuclear holocaust, we’ll all get super-powers and we can just fly to another planet on our own (super) power, right? Of course we will. They just don’t want you to know so they can boss you around even after the apocalypse!

* BTW: This is the real reason that the government always warns about the dangers of radiation and nuclear fallout and stuff: they know it will make everybody into a superhero, and they couldn’t stop us from being able to do whatever we wanted then! You’ve seen the X-Men movies, right? It would be just like that! Do you think they’d be able to stop Wolverine from using an incandescent light bulb, or from distilling his own liquor? Of course not! And what about Superman? He’d even see them coming to serve him with legal papers with his x-ray vision, so he’d just fly out the back door and evade them whenever they tried to make him answer for his criminal misconduct. This is exactly what the government does not want: people they couldn’t boss around! So that’s why they don’t want you to find out that you’ll get superpowers from radiation and stuff. But you will, so don’t worry!

Here’s the story: