Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Newt Gingrich Gaffe-athon

Newt Gingrich committed a mortal Republican sin when he called Paul Ryan’s Medicare reform plan “extreme right-wing social engineering”. So he went on Fox News to speak to Greta Van Susteren to try to save his political life by re-ingratiating himself to conservative viewers. How did it go? Not so good, I’m afraid. You see, even though Greta is Fox News’s softballiest interviewer (she’s sort of like the Larry King of right-wing interviewers), Mr. Gingrich kept on being his own worst enemy with classic symptomatic displays of the politically terminal “foot-in-mouth disease”. First of all, he said this: “…should have the right to choose!” See? He’s pro-choice! Take that, conservative Republican base! Then he said: “Yes we can!” A-ha! That’s Obama’s slogan! He’s obviously a Democratic spy sent to foul-up the Republicans (not that they're not doing it fine all by themselves...)! Oh, and then he said that he hates professional criminals. See? He’s trying to kill American jobs! Okay, maybe I took it all out of context, but he said it!