Saturday, May 28, 2011

Think Twice Before Ordering Thai Food!

Why should you think twice before ordering Thai food? Well, obviously, because there may be a Thai spy hiding in the peanut sauce accompanying your chicken satay (or anything else you might order), watching and waiting for you to insult the Thai monarchy so that they can drag you off to a Thai prison! I’ve never realized it before, but they’re out to get us, not just with their spicy cuisine, but also with their sneaky slander laws, and here’s the news article that proves it!:

That’s right: some guy who is a United States citizen was arrested for insulting the Thai monarchy for something he wrote years ago on a blog. I didn’t even know that there was such a thing as a Thai monarchy until I read that article (the ignorance of which is probably an offense punishable by death in Thailand). This story sounded fishy to me at first, since it said that this guy went over to Thailand to have some medical procedure done. I thought everybody went to Thailand to get some kind of disease from the sex trade, not to have something treated or cured. But I guess maybe it’s really true. (What Thailand could do to make even more money would be to have special vacation packages for perverts where they give them lots of STDs via the sex trade, and then cure them of all the illnesses before they go home for an artificially inflated, exorbitant fee; like what an airport or a movie theater does to jack-up the price of food for their captive market.)

So this is obviously the downside of medical tourism, and as such it’s the fault of Obamacare.* When people don’t like the cesspool of corruption and incompetence that is going to be our healthcare industry soon (Soon? Didn’t the president say all the doctors are already trying to amputate everybody’s feet so they can get paid more money? {He didn’t say who they are, but that’s just so they would support his healthcare plan.} Oh, never mind…), they’ll just get arrested by foreign governments on charges of writing criminal stuff on fake blogs written by the Obama administration to punish them for not supporting Obamacare. That’s what this new White House position for an online rapid-response guy is: he finds out who opposed the president’s healthcare proposal, and then he finds out when they’re going overseas and he writes fake blogs that will get them arrested in their destination countries! And if they’re not planning on going anywhere, he has them kidnapped and secretly flown to the world’s most oppressive countries to be arrested there, but only after giving them some horrible disease in a secret government lab! It’s brilliant, really! (<By the way, I just wrote that last bit to rub it in Thailand’s face about how much we’re allowed to insult our own government here. Nyah, nyah! See, in America, you can say stuff here that sounds bad and they don’t even care! Unless Obama gets mad and sends me over there out of spite. Then I guess I’d be screwed, unless I had a medical condition, in which case I might get it treated better for cheaper. {But this is all a joke, so please don't arrest me!})

* You thought I was going to champion free speech? Fat chance! It just gets me into trouble every time I use it!