Friday, May 27, 2011

No More Pot for You!

That’s right, hippie! No more pot for you when you travel to Amsterdam! Ha ha! (I still get my free heroin from the state, though, right?)

Well, it had to happen eventually with an ultra-left-wing country like Holland. As liberals, they were bound to want to destroy any thriving business industries in their country. And in this case, the booming business interest is marijuana sales to tourists. This must be an especially bittersweet victory for the liberal establishment: banning the sale of pot to foreign hippies. But they had to do it, or else live with the curse of allowing a successful business to exist within their midst. And as we all know, that’s not allowed to happen.

But isn’t it funny that they’d do such a thing? I mean, why ban pot, of all things? Isn’t that the thing that made them all liberal hippies to begin with? Perhaps they’re all self-hating hippies, but from my experience, there’s no such thing. My guess is that it’s the only successful business in all of Holland so they had to destroy it, or else it’s something far more complex.

The second explanation for this is extremely arcane and self-contradictory, so don’t read any further unless you really want your mind blown. Okay, if you’re still reading, then I guess you think you’re ready for the truth, and that’s this: They had to ban pot, because they realized they are now “the man”, and as such, they had to do it, or else they would never hatch a new batch of hippie liberals. You see, it’s like this: hippies smoke pot because “the man” says not to, and as hippies, they become super-liberal to counter the oppression of “the man”. But if you just allow people to just smoke pot, they might never get to hate “the man”, and then they’d just sit around and eat Cheetos and Combos and watch TV and stuff, and then they’d never change the establishment, man! So you see, they had to ban pot, because obviously they are alarmed by the appearance of new young conservatives in their country, and they can’t allow that to happen! So by banning the sale of pot to tourists, they are opening the door for the next step, which is to ban pot for everyone locally as well. Then they’ll get all that hippie protest angst they need to keep their country über-liberal! Do you begin to see, now, why this new law is necessary?

Here’s the totally bogus story, dude: