Sunday, August 5, 2012

GapFit Motion

I saw a bus stop ad today for GapFit Motion. I guess this new line is intended to grab a piece of that huge fitness craze market that's gripping the nation. Except it's not really, now is it? (Maybe this is why The Gap is not doing so well?)

Look, clothing companies (and especially The Gap), if you want to succeed, you're going to have to cater to the real growth market: couch potatoes & the obesity epidemic. Maybe you'd do better with specific lines catering to the real trends in America: sitting around and getting fat! So here are a couple of suggestions:

The Gap Couch Potato: Get Your Potato On!

Nike Obesity: Don't Do It! (Or: Just Watch Someone Else Do It on TV!)

These clothes could be made with special moisture-wicking stuff to keep spilled sodas and salsa from getting through to your skin while you're too lazy to get up and clean it up!