Friday, August 3, 2012

Medieval Times Ad

In this ad for Medieval Times, a dinner theater thing, they really make the ad look like a promo for Game of Thrones. And that’s when it hit me: Once Game of Thrones is over on HBO, maybe they could take it around the country for a family dinner theater tour! They could do all their gory decapitations, dismemberments, graphic rape scenes, etc., but for a family dinner theater audience! Don’t worry, thanks to shows like Game of Thrones, pretty soon graphic gore and rape will be normal family entertainment, so no worries! (Maybe they could have the jousting lead to hacked off heads and hands and stuff landing on lucky diner’s plates! Yum! It would be like a GWAR show, and they could recommend that everyone wear a smock, or else maybe they could hand out mega-sized napkins with a hole in the middle for diners to wear like a poncho.)

Here’s the Medieval Times ad I’m referring to: