Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hair Salon Attack Ads

Watching political attack ads always makes me muse about the possibilities of products and companies doing the same type of smear-merchant attack ads against each other. And today, for some reason, I was reminded of the story of Samson from the Bible, where he gets his hair cut off, and he gets weak, and everybody kicks his ass. Well, wouldn't it be fun for some hair salon chain to accuse another one of being the one who cut his hair off? Then they could say it wasn't his long hair that made him strong, so much as it was the fact that the bad haircut he got from (whatever hair salon chain) was so lame, he was crestfallen and embarrassed to be seen with it, and that low morale is what made him weak and got him killed. Oh, but had he gotten his hair cut at Supercuts, he would have been as strong as Superman, and he would have massacred all his enemies! That's Supercuts: Super style that gives you Super confidence and Super powers!

Oh, but then Fantastic Sam's could say that Medusa got that head of poisonous snake hair by going to Supercuts: They gave her hair super powers she didn't want, and now she's cursed! If only she had come to Fantastic Sam's! Then she would have looked fantastic, rather than having a hairstyle that turns people to stone!