Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rolaids Abdominal Snowman Ad (Proposed/Joke)

I was watching a silly Italian sci-fi movie called The Snow Devils, and when someone in the movie mentioned "abominable snowmen", I thought "abdominal snowmen", and then it occurred to me that this might make a good mascot (an abdominal snowman, that is) for some heartburn medication for instant relief of acid reflux, like Rolaids. So they could say that when heartburn strikes, eat a Rolaids, and the abdominal snowman will go to work and put out the heartburn (which is why he's called the "abdominal snowman": because he cools the heartburn in your abdomen). And if it was also mint flavored, it could work really well with the cool sensation of mint in your mouth, as well as the instant cooling relief from heartburn in your chest/tummy. And they could show CGI animation of the abdominal snowman going down someone's throat and putting out the heartburn fire and providing cooling relief, etc. (It could look like an old video game.)